Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Get Rythym

Terrific, But Completely Uncharacteristic For Ry

by Michael Strom Chicago, IL USA
Reviewed on March 4th, 2000

Ry Cooder was originally best known for his Delta blues & Dust Bowl balladry, later better

known for his movie soundtracks & exploration of ethnic music from Cuba, Africa & India.

This one is none of the above. It is the closest Ry came to straight-ahead blues-based rock

& roll. There are a few resurrected obscurities to be sure, but this shows the side of Ry

that is probably the closest to his years as a Rolling Stones sideman.

Fans of Ry's more acoustic offerings should like this as well, so long as they are open to

his electric, louder side. It sounds little like Boomer's Story or other early works, but

the songs & performances are up to the quality from his classic era. Basically, much of this

CD is rent-party stompers.

Track List

1. Get Rhythm
2. Low-Commotion
3. Going Back To Okinawa
4. Thirteen Question Method
5. Women Will Rule The World
6. All Shook Up (with Larry Blackmon)
7. I Can Tell By The Way You Smell
8. Across The Borderline
Download Here